Sloth: the slow, but adorable programming language
This post is a literate program, which can be seen in source code format here on github.
In this literate program, I will set out to create a small concatenative programming language. For lack of a better name, and frankly, it’s pretty hard to name languages, I’ll call it Sloth. This is a pedagogical interpreter; it’s not efficient, but the code should be easy to read. As of my first testing, it comes in about 6x slower than Ruby (which is saying something) in a completely unrealistic benchmark battle. Nevertheless, it’s a functioning language that could serve as the basis for experimentation.
Most basic “interpreter” tutorials build a calculator and call it quits. My intent is to make this a complete programming language, if light on built-in functionality. The intent is to illustrate how a small language interpreter can be constructed, as well as some of the conveniences that come with the concatenative programming paradigm.
In a concatenative language, code is built on the concept of composition, rather than function application. While in most languages, we’re used to seeing functions with various types, concatenative functions always have compatible type signatures – usually identical, in fact.
In a typical applicative language, functions can take any number of arguments, and return values. We think of programming in these languages in terms of applying functions to arguments, they get names, and the compiler / interpreter has to manage tracking the values.
Most languages are applicative. In contrast, a concatenative language is characterized by using the exact same type signature for all functions. By doing this, the naming and passing of arguments by value goes away, and the program becomes less about applying functions to values, and more about denoting a sequence of actions.
I don’t want to make a whole essay on concatenative languages, but I’ll give you just a quick picture of the difference. Whereas in an applicative language, we would write this:
This is actually written “backwards” when we consider the order of execution. In a concatenative language, it would look like this:
x baz bar foo
Which means, “Put x on the stack, then do ‘baz’, then do ‘bar’, then do ‘foo’.” While this is perhaps strange compared to other language paradigms, there are a number of places where we see code that at least looks concatenative in other places. For example, in most object oriented languages, it’s not unusual to see code like this:
Or, perhaps even more obviously analogous to concatenative programming, many of us happy UNIX users are accustomed to shell pipelines. This is probably the most common form of concatenative programming:
cat x | baz | bar | foo
Instead of using pipes to redirect input and output streams between named actions, like the shell does, a concatenative program uses a shared data structure for implicit data passing. I said before that concatenative language functions all have the same “type”. Below, on the left you see a typical function for an applicative language. On the right is the “analogous” definition for a concatenative function.
int double(x) { stack double(stack s) {
return x + x; s.dup();
} s.add();
return s;
If you can get your mind to think in this way, you can use concatenative languages to do general purpose programming. These languages have the potential to be very pretty, and lead to expressive code.
It’s not all beds of roses, though – concatenative code can also be very difficult to read when written poorly. The implicit hiding of data in the compositional chain of function calls requires the programmer to express code well so that the data flow can still be understood. Finally, “stack juggling” can make some code difficult to follow.
Classic concatenative languages like Forth can seem anachronistic, and terse function names and a cultural focus on conciseness can make it seem like concatenative languages are inaccessibly arcane. Today, we’ll make a little concatenative language that isn’t quite so challenging, and is a little easier to use and read.
As a concatenative language, we need to to create the implicit data structure that functions can use to receive and store data. We’ll just use a linked list, which starts empty. It turns out that the Common Lisp functions #’push and #’pop make it super easy to use a list like this as a stack.
(defparameter *stack* '())
We’ll need to know when the interpreter is running, and have a way for error conditions or exits to signal that execution should stop.
(defparameter *running* nil)
The next thing our language needs is a way to store the definition of functions. The interpreter must be able to look up functions and obtain the code to execute their behavior as needed. A most convenient way to do this is with a hash table:
(defparameter *dictionary* (make-hash-table))
We will need to create functions in the dictionary, so we’ll decide on their basic representation. There will be two types – built-in functions that will form a layer of primitive operations, and functions defined in the language itself. So functions have three things:
+------+ +------+------+
| name |--->| kind | code |
+------+ +------+------+
The dictionary will index functions by name, and store a “kind” code that indicates whether the code is a primitive (i.e., it is implemented in Lisp) or defined in the language. Here’s how we create a primitive:
(defmacro defprimitive (name &body code)
`(setf (gethash ',name *dictionary*)
(list :primitive (lambda () ,@code t))))
And to show how it works, we’ll define a couple primitives for managing objects on the stack. These will be handy later when we need to do some of that undesirable “stack juggling.”
(defprimitive dup (push (first *stack*) *stack*))
(defprimitive drop (pop *stack*))
(defprimitive over (push (second *stack*) *stack*))
(defprimitive swap
(let ((a (pop *stack*))
(b (pop *stack*)))
(push a *stack*)
(push b *stack*)))
And, of course, there are going to be other functions that can be defined in terms of those primitives. These “defined” functions will either be defined in the source code processed by the interpreter or here, in the following macro.
(defmacro defword (name &body code)
`(setf (gethash ',name *dictionary*)
(list :defined ',code)))
The difference between this macro and the primitive macro, other than the “kind” symbol, is subtle, so don’t miss it. A defined function is simply a list of function calls and literals, which in this interpreter will be represented as a Lisp list. Here’s an example of a defined function based on the primitives above:
(defword nip swap drop)
Since we can now define our functions in the dictionary, we turn our attention to executing them as code. This is an interpreter, so we’re not compiling these to machine code (not even for a bytecode VM or some such). Executing code will depend on the kind of function. Primitives can simply be executed when called. Defined functions will need to be processed in sequence, executing each literal or function call as encountered.
To support these operations, we’ll need a few utilities for managing function bindings in the dictionary:
(defun lookup (function) (gethash function *dictionary*))
(defun kind (binding) (first binding))
(defun code (binding) (second binding))
Also, as we are processing code (particularly in defined functions), we’ll encounter literals. Now, literals are an interesting thing in concatenative languages. We can imagine that a literal is actually a function. For example, the function “1” pushes the number 1 on the stack.
(defprimitive 1 (push 1 *stack*))
While conceptually beautiful, this won’t make any sense for our interpreter, since we can’t afford to fill up memory with functions for all the numbers. So we can make a concession – while theoretically, a literal is a function that pushes itself on the stack, we’ll need to be able to detect literals and handle them as a special case.
Since we’re going to lean on the Lisp reader as our parser, we will generally use Common Lisp syntax for literals. This is pretty standard fare for things like numbers and strings, but some literals (like characters) are a little weird if you’re not a Lisp fan. For now, all we need to do is detect the literals that we support:
(defun literalp (token)
(or (numberp token)
(stringp token)
(characterp token)))
For reasons that will become apparent later (in brief, we will need to implement functions that can access the token stream), we will create a global variable used by the interpreter to represent its current location in the code. This will actually be a “code stack”, where the top of the stack represents the current code sequence being executed. Items lower on the stack will be code to be “returned” to when the current sequence is done.
(defparameter *code* nil)
And any time we need to execute a token, this is the function that will do it. Note again the special case for literals – this is baked in here, but it still behaves like the theoretical literals mentioned above.
(declaim (ftype function execute)) ; make SBCL happy
(defun execute-token (token)
(let ((binding (lookup token)))
((literalp token)
(push token *stack*))
((eq :primitive (kind binding))
(funcall (code binding)))
((eq :defined (kind binding))
(push (code binding) *code*)
Note that last clause, which executes code for a defined function. All we do is process the list of tokens in the code for the function, passing them to (execute). This passing, however, is through the code variable (this way we can do some metaprogramming that manipulates the code later).
(defun execute ()
((null *code*) nil)
((null (first *code*)) (pop *code*))
(t (let ((token (pop (first *code*))))
(execute-token token)
(note, hopefully your Lisp does tail call optimization!)
(defun execute-code (code)
(push code *code*)
So now we should actually have enough infrastructure to run some very basic programs. I’ve run these while writing this code, but I’ll leave these commented out so as to ensure this remains a usable literate program.
Example 1: push two literals and run ‘over’ to copy the first one
(defword test 1 2 over)
(execute-token 'test) -> stack: '(1 2 1)
So this is pretty neat – we can define primitive functions, defined functions, and execute them. But doing this all in Lisp doesn’t make it a useful language. We need the ability to read code from a string and execute it – from there, the next step is to read code from a file to a string, et voila, we will have the beginning of a real programming language.
(defun parse (string)
(with-input-from-string (stream string)
(loop for token = (read stream nil nil)
while token collect token)))
Now example 1 looks more like this:
(execute-code (parse "1 2 over"))
To do some real work, we need to be able to do more than just push literals to the stack and manipulate the stack’s contents. Now it’s time to define a bunch of basic literals for math functions, string functions, etc.
(defmacro defoperator (name op)
`(setf (gethash ',name *dictionary*)
(list :primitive
(lambda ()
(let ((b (pop *stack*))
(a (pop *stack*)))
(push (,op a b) *stack*)
(defoperator + +)
(defoperator - -)
(defoperator / /)
(defoperator * *)
(defoperator % mod)
(defoperator < <)
(defoperator > >)
(defoperator >= >=)
(defoperator <= <=)
(defoperator = =)
(defprimitive sqrt (push (sqrt (pop *stack*)) *stack*))
(defprimitive print (format t "~a" (pop *stack*)))
(defprimitive emit (write-char (pop *stack*)))
(defprimitive char (code-char (pop *stack*)))
(defprimitive unchar (char-code (pop *stack*)))
(defword newline #\Newline emit)
(defword space #\Space emit)
(defword tab #\Tab emit)
So now we can do some math. Here’s an example that does math for us:
(execute-code (parse "3 dup * 4 dup * + sqrt print newline"))
So if we needed a (very complicated) calculator, we’d be all set. But for a real programming language, we need to be able to create bindings from our code. We haven’t treated how a programmer is supposed to define a new function. Somehow, we need to expose the functionality we’re currently expressing using our defword function as a mechanism available in the language itself.
For once, we have to define some syntax. How about we do it like this?
define <name> <tokens>* end
The “define” function will read ahead in the token stream, collecting everything up to the next “end” token. This list is then saved in the dictionary as a function with the indicated name. While I’m only using this concept very briefly here, there’s a lot of metaprogramming magic you can do with this idea.
(defprimitive define
(setf (gethash (pop (first *code*)) *dictionary*)
(list :defined
for token = (pop (first *code*))
until (eq token 'end)
collect token))))
This is pretty fun – now we can define functions within the language, they’ll join the dictionary, and we can refer to them. A little program like this can now be written:
(execute-code (parse "
define square
dup *
define hyp
square swap square + sqrt
3 4 hyp print newline
If you pull that out of these comments and run it, you’ll see that the hypotenuse of a triangle with two sides of length 3 and 4 is 5 (“hyp” implements the Pythagorean theorem). The only thing our language is missing, now, for general computation is conditional execution and loops.
If you look at our definition of “define” above, you can probably imagine how we might create loops the same way. We could create more syntax for keywords that mark where sections of code are conditionally executed or passed over, or iterated multiple times in a loop.
Instead of going that route, I’ll introduce another concept that is popular in concatenative languages. It is the idea of a “quotation” or “quoted program.” If you come from other language paradigms that have a “lambda” construct or “anonymous function”, you will see some similarities here.
The special thing about quotations in a concatenative language is that since we are not operating in an applicative mode, we don’t have to worry about defining the arguments and return values. A quotation is, itself, just a concatenative program (hence the sometimes popular term “quoted program”). In fact, here is where we can see the reason these are called concatenative languages – you can take any sequence of words in the language and break it out and it becomes its own program. Programs can be concatenated to compose their functionality, and this becomes very interesting with quotations.
First, how do we define a quotation? Owing to our representation of a “defined” function as a list of tokens, we can just make a quotation put a list of tokens on the stack. This can be accomplished with this definition of the “[” word”:
(defprimitive [
(let ((count 0)
(quote '()))
(loop for word = (pop (first *code*))
until (and (eq word '])
(zerop count))
(when (eq word '[) (incf count))
(when (eq word ']) (decf count))
(push word quote))
(push (nreverse quote) *stack*)))
OK, this is a little hairy. The interesting thing that we have to be careful about with quotations is that a quotation may, itself, contain a quotation. We could just decide that’s not allowed in the language (if you want to do that, define a function for the inner quotation, and call it, for example). But we don’t want to inconvenience the programmer too much just for the sake of simple interpreter development.
So in the code above, we process tokens until we get to the end of the quotation, but every time we run into a nested quotation (another ‘[ symbol), we have to account for it. The “count” variable lets us keep track of nesting, and we only terminate when we get to the outermost ‘].
Once we have these beautiful quotations on our stack, what do we do to run them? We need a primitive that can call them:
(defprimitive call
(push (pop *stack*) *code*)
Now that we can create quotations, we have the building blocks for conditionals. Since we can imagine that quotations are little anonymous functions, then we can think of the functions we’ll create that manipulate those quotations as combinators. If you hail from functional programming, you’ll recognize what that means. If not, just think of it as functions that manipulate other functions. Here’s “if”:
(defprimitive true (push t *stack*))
(defprimitive false (push nil *stack*))
(defprimitive if
(let ((false-quote (pop *stack*))
(true-quote (pop *stack*)))
(if (pop *stack*)
(push true-quote *stack*)
(push false-quote *stack*))
(push 'call (first *code*))))
That last line is a little nifty. What we’re doing is pulling a true- and a false-quotation from the stack, deciding which one to put back, and then adding a new token to the input stream (‘call). You could likely implement some neat capabilities with this, since it’s possible to create functions that write new ad-hoc code at run time. By pushing this ‘call function, when we return from running “if”, the interpreter will now see this function call that wasn’t there before. Here’s an example of using “if”:
5 2 % 0 = ; this puts a boolean on the stack
[ "Even!" print ] ; if true, it's an even number
[ "Odd!" print ] ; if false, it's an odd number
Hopefully, here you can see how the “if” combinator just pops the top three items from the stack, and then determines which of the quotations to execute.
And here is an implementation of a simple loop: “times”
(defprimitive times
(let ((quote (pop *stack*))
(count (pop *stack*)))
(loop for i below count do
(push quote *code*)
Now, extending the above example of conditionals, here’s a little code that will print out which numbers are even and odd from 0 to 5:
0 6 Output:
[ dup print " is " print 0 is Even!
dup 2 % 0 = 1 is Odd!
[ "Even!" print newline ] 2 is Even!
[ "Odd!" print newline ] 3 is Odd!
if 4 is Even!
1 + 5 is Odd!
] times
Here are a few more reasonable primitives that may come in handy; Very useful for debugging – just put it anywhere and see what the stack looks like.
(defprimitive debug
(format t "Stack: ")
(loop for nodes = *stack* then (cdr nodes)
for i below 5
while nodes
do (format t "~s " (first nodes)))
(defprimitive exit
(setf *running* nil)
(setf *code* nil))
(defprimitive reset
(setf *stack* '()))
(defprimitive words
for name being the hash-keys in *dictionary*
for (kind code) = (gethash name *dictionary*)
do (format t "~10a function: ~20a~%" kind name)))
With that, we actually have a good foundation for a usable programming language. We’ll now make the interpreter’s user interface – this will just be a function to load a program from a disk file and execute it.
(defun slurp (file)
(with-open-file (stream file)
(let* ((len (file-length stream))
(str (make-string len)))
(read-sequence str stream :end len)
(defun run (file)
(setf *stack* nil)
(setf *code* nil)
(setf *running* t)
(execute-code (parse (slurp file))))
(defun banner ()
(format t "~%------------------------------------------------------------~%")
(format t " Sloth - A slow, but adorable programming language~%")
(format t "------------------------------------------------------------~%~%")
(format t "usage: sloth.lisp <file>~%~%"))
(if (= (length sb-ext:*posix-argv*) 2)
(run (second sb-ext:*posix-argv*))
I’ve prepared a sample program that uses all of the features we’ve built into the language so far. It calculates and prints out the first 10 factorials (starting at 0). You can look at the code in the adjoining file. Here’s an example of running it:
$ ./sloth factorial.sloth
Listing first 10 factorials:
0! = 1
1! = 1
2! = 2
3! = 6
4! = 24
5! = 120
6! = 720
7! = 5040
8! = 40320
9! = 362880
So, is it done? Not really – not by a long shot! But it is enough core functionality on which to build a full-size language, if that was your goal. It’s obviously lacking some conveniences, and the API is very small. If you are interested in playing with it, I would recommend the following ideas as opportunities to enhance it:
- Support defining, reading, and updating global variables
- Build an I/O layer for reading and writing files
- Build a string manipulation library
- Define more combinators to get cool loops and abstractions
- Make the dictionary a stack with modules to create namespaces
- Create an interface to Lisp lists in Sloth
- Build a built-in stack library based on lists
- Add in basic error checking and nice messages / stack traces
- Create “compiled” functions that don’t require #’lookup to run
- Make dictionary access and advance token reads available to user-defined functions (e.g., Forth’s “defining” words, etc.)
How similar is this to the popular programming languages? Well, not very – this interpreter treats code as a linked list and looks up function bindings every time they’re executed. It makes the code very clean, but it’s incredibly inefficient. Depending on your Common Lisp environment, if you don’t have tail call optimization, you might not even be able to run long programs because of stack space (#’execute is recursive, after all).
That said, there’s nothing fundamental about the design that couldn’t be mapped to a more efficient implementation. Instead of storing code as linked lists, create sequences of pointers to code segments. Functions could be “compiled” so that dynamic execution doesn’t have to lookup bindings all the time. The sky’s the limit!
I hope this has been a fun ride – it took me a few hours or so to put together this little literate program. I’ve enjoyed the process, and this has helped solidify some of my ideas for more serious attempts at a more complete, efficient concatenative language. I hope you, the reader, have gotten something from it too!